A man , whose identity was not revealed , donated two dinosaur eggs to the DNPM ( National Department of Mineral Protection) of Belo Horizonte , the relic with no estimated value was found in the region of Uberaba , in Minas Gerais. In Minas Gerais , more precisely in Peirópolis , they are located deposits of fossils of dinosaurs most important of the country, and there is the Museum of UFTM ( Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro ) where dinosaur eggs were taken . According to geologist Luiz Carlos Borges, the UFTM , information about Dinosaur eggs are correct because Uberaba is the only city in the country that so intact parts were found.
The age of the dinosaur eggs are around 70 million years ago, very close to extinction on Earth. The survey indicates that would titanosaur , a huge herbivorous quadruped , which had 20 meters in total of the animal ( head to tail ) . At university it is not the other , because this is about a lot , and the courage of all are elated by the hope that the embryos are inside the eggs , for this to happen , a series of CT scans and a chemical analysis of the bark egg need to be performed.