
Australian researchers have found in Chile, a nearby planet Earth that could potentially be habitable. The discovery was announced today (12/17/2015). Called Wolf 1061c, is about 14 light years from Earth and is part of three planets orbiting the dwarf star Wolf 1061, and are larger than the Earth (1.4 / 4.3 / 5.2 times the Earth) . "It's fascinating to see the immensity and think you are so close to us, is a close neighbor and could host a habitable planet," said Duncan Wright, who led the research. Among the three, one of them (the largest) is out of a habitable area, and another (the lowest) too close to the star, and in the middle (the middle) in an area called the "Goldilocks" is the Wolf 1061c, which brings together ideal conditions to take life as it is not too hot and not too cold too, and may even be water and even life. Remember that there is life, it is not necessarily the existence of human and yes, plants or live microorganisms that could possibly evolve, as it was on Earth billions of years. The discovery was published in the renowned magazine "The Astrophysical Journal Letters" and was carried out with the telescope of the European Southern Observatory in La Silla, Chile. There are hundreds of rocky planets like Earth in the universe, but most are hundreds or even thousands of light years from Earth, thus hindering research. Today, what we have is the closest Gliesse 667Cc, there are 22 light years away and orbits its star lasts 28 days. So this was another step and we hope that more planets like Wolf 1061c and Gliesse 667Cc be found close to the Earth.

Separated two images you can follow the reasoning of the Wolf 1061c

Check out more about Gliesse 667Cc