How many of you have seen a bald eagle up close? The famous bird of prey that lives in North America is pretty hard to see out there , especially in South American soil. And now , the few who have seen this eagle, which of you have taken a selfie with her? Well, these brothers succeeded beyond Selfie doing something she would be eternally grateful.
Michael and Neil Fletcher were hunting together near Windy Lake Ontario in Canada last Tuesday, when saw a bald eagle stuck on one a hunting trap. They tried to free her , but the air fearsome predator was not being cooperative and was very upset . " When we got near the water , she tried to escape . So I took my hood and put around your head, so I could calm her down , "said Michael Fletcher for NBC News. While they kept calm, the trap was slowly opened.
Since releasing the bird , the brothers decided that this was too good an opportunity for them and photographing his good deed with the bird. Although he did not look happy in the photograph, but it was probably quite grateful to have been released.